How netwrap can make a difference on your operation
December 2023
Hay producers are finding that the switch from twine or other netwrap to Vermeer® Net is making a difference in the quality of hay they’re putting up. Hear from Rob Flowers and Ken Moses, two producers who run very different operations but both see big benefits from using Vermeer Net.
Rob Flowers runs a custom hay operation, Flowers Hay Company, in Whitesboro, Texas. Flowers, who’s been putting up hay for more than a decade, takes pride in delivering quality bales to his customers. As his business has grown, he’s relied more and more on Vermeer to help him keep his operation productive and efficient. After buying a used Vermeer rake at an auction and getting top-notch service from Vermeer, he invested in a Vermeer 604R Premium baler. Next, he tried Vermeer Net. Any job worth doing is worth doing right, and Vermeer Net helps him make bales that keep his customers coming back.
Ken Moses raises 500 cow-calf pairs in northwest Kansas. He’s focused on putting up quality hay to feed his herd. He needs to put up bales that can hold up and carry over into the next year. After running a 605N baler with Vermeer Net, he was all in on yellow iron. Now, in addition to the baler, he’s got a R2800 rake and a VT750 twin-screw vertical mixer on his operation.
Protect your assets
Choosing Vermeer Net is an investment that helps protect the time and energy you’ve put into growing quality forage. Vermeer Net is made with heavy-duty, high-density polyethylene (HDPE) for maximum durability and protection. Strong netwrap keeps your bales wrapped tightly. Plus, the versatility of Vermeer Net allows producers to wrap both wet and dry hay.
Durability customers notice
Producers who are selling their hay, like Flowers, find that bales wrapped in Vermeer Net often keep their shape better and have square shoulders. It has little net stretch and optimum net spread to cover square-shouldered bales from one side to the other.
Flowers’ customers immediately noticed when he made the switch from other netwrap. “I switched to Vermeer Net wrap … Oh my goodness. The first customer that I custom-baled for said, ‘Did you change netwrap? Man, I love that netwrap. I would tear that other netwrap that you used, but this netwrap is great. It’s tough.’” he shared.
“Bale appearance is essential. We custom bale a lot in our operation and you want that bale of hay to look nice for the customer. You want it to be cylindrical. You want it to be covered on the edge. You want the customer to feel like they got every bang for their buck,” said Flowers.
Well-shaped bales are more efficient to stack — and they’re durable enough to withstand handling and hauling. Just ask Moses, who noticed the difference on his operation, too.
Good-looking bales that are protected from the elements
Dense bales, like the ones Vermeer Net helps create, offer improved water-shedding capabilities for reduced hay loss while storing hay.
“The [Vermeer] Net wrap holds together good. Even in snow, ice, and hot, dry conditions, it doesn’t deteriorate … You don’t want them falling apart. It [Vermeer Net] holds them together really nice,” he said.
In addition to making customers happy, Vermeer Net helps protect Flowers’ hay. “Vermeer Net allows me to do more with my dollar. We store hay outside, and if it’s a rainy year, you don’t have to worry about it. Vermeer Net is going to be around that bale 360 degrees,” he said.
Like Flowers, Moses is impressed by the edge-to-edge coverage of Vermeer Net. He’s found that using Vermeer Net helps him to make bales he can be proud of. “I got [the Vermeer 605N baler] and use Vermeer Net wrap, and they’re perfect every time,” he said.
“There’s very little waste due to moisture or anything like that with the Vermeer Net wrap. And, you know, sometimes we’ll have bales that are three years old that look like you baled them this season. They just hold up that good. There’s not any shrinkage and there’s very little spoilage from keeping it for several years,” Moses added.
What can Vermeer Net do for your operation?
Talk with your local Vermeer dealer to find out how your operation could benefit by switching from other types of netwrap to Vermeer Net. You can also read about another producer, Mike Levescy, and why he switched to Vermeer Net.
Want to learn more about Rob Flowers’ and Ken Moses’ experiences with Vermeer Net? Check out Rob’s story here and read about Ken here.
Information noted above was gathered from a third party who was advised his/her experience might be featured in marketing materials. This article contains third-party observations, advice or experiences that do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Vermeer Corporation, its affiliates or its dealers. Individual results may vary based on care and operation of machine and crop and field conditions, which may adversely affect performance.
Vermeer Corporation reserves the right to make changes in product engineering, design and specifications; add improvements; or discontinue manufacturing or distribution at any time without notice or obligation. Equipment shown is for illustrative purposes only and may display optional accessories or components specific to their global region. Please contact your local Vermeer dealer for more information on machine specifications.
Vermeer, the Vermeer logo and the black, white, green bale wrap color scheme (Vermeer Net) are trademarks of Vermeer Manufacturing Company in the U.S. and/or other countries. © 2023 Vermeer Corporation. All Rights Reserved.